Sandy has an idea of how love should be. No surprise. Most teenagers do. But after her parent's divorce, and she moves to small-town Ohio to find – her grade school crush – Chris Ryan – sitting in class on her first day at a new school. It's fate.
Pretty soon, they're dating. But when Sandy doesn't go all the way, Chris Ryan's interest quickly turns to school alpha babe Kimber. Chris dumps Sandy, who becomes obsessed with her love rival. But it's a one-sided contest. Kimber doesn't even know Sandy exists until Kimber discovers Sandy stalking. Cattiness ensues.
Too much time on Instagram and rewatching Grease inspires Sandy to transform, like Olivia Newton-John, from virginal band geek into a Bad Girl. Sandy launches her new persona at a drunken party where her Awesome Dance captures Kimber's attention. And Brent, the school's quarterback. The party ends with wrecked Sandy sleeping in the back of eccentric nice guy DK's truck.
The next morning, Kimber finds Sandy. They strike a deal. If Sandy joins Kimber's competitive flag team and teaches Kimber her Awesome Dance, Kimber will get Chris Ryan to fall in love with Sandy.
Sandy's first attempt to teach Kimber and the flag team the dance is a bust. Kimber works out that Sandy only had the confidence to dance at the party because she'd been drunk. So Kimber gets Sandy drunk, but that's a bust too. They'll try different drugs until they find one which will help Sandy dance. Kimber's crossbred her own strain of psychedelic mushrooms. Her science skills are on point. She's a secret nerd. So when, during the course of winning Chris Ryan's love, Kimber doses the entire school with mushroom cookies, Sandy is finally unselfconscious enough to dance.
Kimber manages to get Sandy a reputation that has Chris Ryan crawling back. And teaches Sandy how to play hard to get. Then runs Sandy against presumptive high school president Brent to double down on her newfound popularity, which only makes Chris want Sandy more. They go on a date. It's everything Sandy dreamed. But before Sandy can lose her virginity to Chris, things blow up when Chris discovers Sandy's Power Point presentation detailing her plans for getting him back.
Sandy is back to square one. And worse, now Chris knows that Sandy's not the person she was pretending to be. Chris finds Kimber, and their heart-to-heart gets serious when Chris declares his love with a kiss, that Sandy sees. Kimber tries to win back her friendship with Sandy. But it's no use. Then Sandy, upset about losing Chris and her fight with Kimber, tries to lose her virginity to DK. He turns her down. He will only have sex with her if she really likes him, not because she's hurt and acting out.
Soon after, Brent sees his chance and propositions Sandy. She sneaks out of home to meet him at a party. After shunning Kimber again, Sandy goes off with Brent. He tries to rape Sandy, who is saved by Kimber. Kimber and Sandy escape into a barn where they make up. When Brent and his lackey Double get into the barn, Sandy and Kimber work together to fight them off. Sandy strikes the final blow, knocking Brent unconscious with a farming hoe she's used as a flag pole. Brent is arrested.
In the finale, we see that Sandy and DK have gotten together, while Chris Ryan and Kimber are also dating. Kimber and Sandy have both learned to be themselves and to feel whole without needing the attention of men (although yeah, they also do get the guys).